Thursday, March 6, 2014

2nd Quarter Events (Nov. 2013 - Jan. 2014)

The Dreamers finished to second quarter with report cards, field trips, birthdays, wrestling matches and community service.  Here are a few images. Enjoy!

Ms. Bruni and the Bunch
FIU Basketball vs. FGCU

JoJo, Sendy, Maddy at FIU basketball

Team Cruz after the wrestling match
The Bday Girl Mesha'

MLK Day of Service

Boss Ms. Bruni
Let the painting begin

Everyone againt the wall....
Community Service at the Alper JCC-Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Baskets at the JCC


At the Alper JCC-Thanksgiving baskets

1st Quarter Happenings (Aug. - Oct. 2013)

The IHAD Overtown, Inc Dreamers embark on their Sophmore and Junior year of high school begining Aug. 2013.  While a majority are attending Miami Beach Senior High, many are spread out.  During the 1st quarter of the school year, the dreamers kept busy by: attending college football games and comedy shows; participating in community service and enrichment seminars; taking college tours and off course fulfilling their regular high school requirements. 

FIU Football Game
FIU Football Game

Malik / Markel before their game
Mat' before the game

Dinner before the Comedy Show
Guest Speaker on  Domestic Violence

Just the Funny Comedy Show

College Prep Enrinchment Session

Guest Speaker from UNF
Johnson & Wales Tour

Johnson & Wales Tour